Shoot for endless possibilities


Digital photography isn’t the only kind of cool photography out there; there are cameras of all shapes and sizes. A camera is basically a box that captures light; we just give it the fancy name and features.


The box camera









Everybody has used a disposable camera in their life at some point, and people still use them today, their great for any outdoor activity where digital or film wouldn’t be as durable in your environment. Disposable cameras are also quite cheap, and maybe you just don’t know how to work a digital camera, and that’s okay! Then one step up from disposable is disposable water proof cameras, which are great to take anywhere, wet or dry.


Disposable Camera (waterproof)

Surprisingly, one of your most powerful weapons to take pictures with is your smart phone, the quality of a smart phones camera is better than a lot of digital cameras.


The camera phone







Next is the classic 35mm camera, many different brand names make these cameras, but we will use then Olympus OM-1 35mm film camera as our example. These cameras are so cool, the way they look and the way they work, and also one of my personal favorites, I own a Nikon 35mm film camera.  In a fraction of a second, a mirror moves out of the way for the picture to be snapped, although you have to be careful with this camera because it is sensitive to dust and extreme weather. These cameras are super reliable and run on battery that can last year’s depending on how much you use it, I definitely recommend buying one.


The Olympus OM-1 35mm film camera (Circa 1974)

Another one of my favorites is the Large Format Sheet Film Studio Camera, another super cool looking camera. One of my favorite photographers Sally Mann uses this camera on a regular basis, not because she was told to by her boss but because she wants to, she thinks it’s the most beautiful way to capture a picture, and that’s what’s important. Now don’t get me wrong, this camera is great but it’s not the best for just any holiday occasion, it works much like a film camera expect the developing processes are different. It’s especially great for landscape photography, though it takes a lot more patients than a digital; the picture can have far better results than a digital camera, and reasonably priced.


The Large Format Sheet Film Studio Camera

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